The club senior men’s track and field champion trophy is the Sydney V James Memorial Trophy, which was first awarded at the conclusion of the 1966-1967 season. The trophy was donated by Jack Baker to commemorate the contribution of Syd James, who was the club’s coach in the 1950s and was a key to its success in that era.
The club senior men’s cross country champion trophy is the Barry J Jones Trophy, which was first awarded at the conclusion of the 1973 Winter season.
The club’s outstanding performance awards, as the name suggests, recognise the outstanding athletic performance in a given season.
The open award was first presented to recognise Len Johnson’s club marathon record in the 1978-79 season. Since then, junior and female athlete categories have been added, although on four occasions a junior athlete has been recognised as having achieved the best performance in the club overall and has taken out both the junior and open category awards.
The criteria for this award are not specifically defined beyond the title of the award. But matters that have arisen for consideration over the years have included the level of the relevant competition and the particular circumstances of the individual achievement, such as rising above adversity, achieving a breakthrough performance or rising to an occasion.
There are also awards presented by the club other than champion athlete and outstanding athlete awards (which are listed separately).
The Best Clubman Award has been awarded as the Jack Baker Cup since 1993-94, in honour of the club’s first life member, Jack Baker.
The ‘Old Collegians Award’ is presented by the St Kevin’s College Old Collegians Association on the recommendation of the Club.
Further club champion and cross country champion awards have since been added in other categories as required by the expansion of the club.
Actual Performances can be seen in Trophy Winners.