On behalf of the Committee of St. Kevin’s Amateur Athletics Club (SKAAC), we welcome you to the 2024 Winter season. In this document you will find details about the two main competitions that we compete in.
For more information on the upcoming winter season calendar (as at 1st March 2024) please go to https://apsoc.net.au/calendar/ as this lists BOTH the APSOC and AV XCR races on one page (Athletics Victoria races listed as “AV”)
For all SKAAC gear please order through our website; https://www.revolutionise.com.au/stkevins/shop/
APS Old Collegians (APSOC)
This is a fun and social series of races that is designed to cater for ALL athletes. The competition involves races ranging from 3km up to 21km with a variety of options in between. Races are roughly every 2nd weekend and are mostly a 2:30pm start on a Saturday. There is always a morning tea or afternoon tea (depending on the time of the race) after the event which is a great opportunity to meet like minded athletes, chat about the race and be social.
The first race is Saturday 6th April at Scotch College. So you must register by midday 4th April to be eligible via the APSOC website.
There are;
1. Scratch races
2. Sealed handicap races
3. Staggered start/time after go races
4. Relays
This makes for a fun and exciting season.
You must register by midday Thursday prior to your first event to be eligible to compete and score points. Once you have registered for the first time that is all you need to do. You will receive your timing chip at your first race and keep it and you need to bring it to each event.
Under 20 and below athletes = $50 for the season (12 races)
Open athletes = $120 for the season (12 races)
To register go to https://apsoc.net.au/register-2/
Athletics Victoria Cross Country (AV XCR)
This is a fun series that caters for all age groups. Athletes compete in age groups and genders (U14, U16, U18, U20, Open, 40+, 50+ and 60+). Races are roughly every second weekend and run alternate to the APSOC competition. These races are a little more spread out through victoria and provide some challenging terrain and competition for all athletes.
There are;
Relays (In age groups and genders)
Scratch Races (In age groups and genders)
For specific details on upcoming races please go to the event pages which are updated throughout the season; They can be found here and then click into XCR and then the specific event round; https://athsvic.org.au/avevents/
You must register through the AV portal. There are a number of options for registration. At a minimum you must have an “AV BASE membership”, this means you are eligible to race in any event but you need to pay for each round as you go (PLEASE NOTE THAT THE CLUB PAYS FOR RELAY ROUNDS). You can also have a “BASE membership” and add either a “AV XCR package” (cross country) or an “MAX package” (cross country and track and field).
If you are predominantly a track and field runner the club would be very appreciative if you signed up with your BASE membership so that you are eligible to compete in any of the relay events during the AV XCR season (these are often shorter in distance).
Here are the membership fees and event entry prices for the 24/25 season. https://athsvic.org.au/2024-25-membership-information/
To register please use the AV athlete portal AFTER THE 2nd of APRIL when the new season rolls over.
Looking forward to having you as a part of the club in 2024 and beyond,
Tristan Mioni and SKAAC.